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Approval of the construction of a cement port on the Black Sea coast for the Canal Istanbul project

Posted by data-entries on June 17, 2023

In an important step considered as pressing the button to start the new Canal Istanbul project, the Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change approved the construction of a cement port on the Black Sea coast for the canal project.

The Turkish Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change has evaluated the application of YD Madencilik Anonim Şirketi to build a cement port on the Black Sea coast as part of the Canal Istanbul project, and the Ministry announced on June 2, 2023 that it had issued an “Environmental Impact Assessment” decision on the project.

The cost of the project has been set at 72 million Turkish liras, and the space of the port to be built will be 8,347m2, and a 200 meters long pier will be added to the port, where two ships can dock side by side.

The construction of the port is connected to the Canal Istanbul project

According to the information contained in the EIA file, it was stated that the Canal Istanbul project and the urban transformation projects planned to be accomplished in the coming years will start before the completion of the port project, and therefore the demand for cement will increase significantly, however, it has been noted that these statements have been removed from the report in a later process.

Approval of the cement port project

With the “Positive EIA” decision taken by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, the “Çiftalan Marmara” cement port project of YD Madencilik Anonim Şirketi has been approved, and it will be a port aimed at meeting the requirements of the canal. It is expected that the demand for cement will increase in the area with the port construction.

Source: Milligazete




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